Aiming to strengthen connections with businesses to enhance both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for students, thereby developing human resources in the fields of information technology and artificial intelligence, the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and IVS Corporation have signed a cooperation agreement to establish the Research and Development Center for Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (RD-SEAI). The signing ceremony took place on the morning of October 12, 2023, at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.


The signing ceremony was honored by the presence of Mr. Masuo Ono, Consul General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Nguyễn Văn Thuận, former member of the National Assembly Standing Committee; Mr. Đặng Văn Chiến, Deputy Head of the Legal Committee of the 12th National Assembly. Representing IVS Corporation were Mr. Asai Takashi, General Director, along with the company’s leadership team. Additionally, the ceremony was attended by representatives from the University of Information and Communication Technology, including Colonel Lê Xuân Hùng, Principal, and Colonel Trần Văn Thuận, Director of the Information Technology and Foreign Language Center. There were also representatives from IVS Corporation’s partner companies and organizations, as well as from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, including Associate Professor Dr. Trần Thiên Phúc, Vice Principal, and other department leaders.

Ông Masuo Ono- tổng lãnh sự quán Nhật

In the context of global development and the rise of Industry 4.0, the market always requires young and talented personnel to integrate and participate in this process. Therefore, the collaboration between domestic and international enterprises with educational institutions has become an inevitable trend. Associate Professor Dr. Trần Thiên Phúc emphasized that the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology has been enhancing its connections with businesses to improve students’ knowledge base and practical skills. This collaboration with IVS and the establishment of RD-SEAI aim to achieve this goal, while also researching and developing digital solutions to address issues in the fourth industrial revolution in Vietnam.

Mr. Asai Takashi, General Director of IVS, expressed his joy and appreciation for the knowledge base of the university’s students. IVS aims to create opportunities for students to develop their practical skills. He shared, “I always ponder how we can help students have a suitable environment to practice their skills and realize what they have learned in classrooms. By doing so, we can have a high-quality workforce that meets the current development of AI.”

Mr. Masuo Ono, Consul General of Japan, expressed his hope that the cooperation between the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and IVS will create a strong synergy, optimizing resources and improving work efficiency for both sides. He believes that this collaboration will not only enhance technological and technical relations between the two countries but also promote exchanges in artificial intelligence and information technology between Japan and Vietnam.

As one of IVS Corporation’s partners, the University of Information and Communication Technology strongly supports the RD-SEAI center. With the successful collaboration with IVS, Colonel Lê Xuân Hùng, the Principal, wishes to expand the network with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and IVS for potential future activities.

Associate Professor Dr. Phạm Trần Vũ, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, provided information about the university’s research projects in the fields of IT and AI with Japanese partners. With the establishment of RD-SEAI, he hopes that both sides will tighten their collaborative research projects and soon establish and implement specific action programs.

Thực hiện ký kết giữa IVS và trường Đại Học Bách Khoa

The signing of the cooperation agreement between IVS and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology marks a significant step in promoting the development of software engineering and artificial intelligence in Vietnam, opening up many opportunities for students and the tech community. The RD-SEAI center will not only be a place for technological research and development but also a bridge between businesses and educational institutions, contributing to improving the quality of human resources and meeting the demands of the fourth industrial revolution.

With support from IVS and Japanese partners, students at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology will have the opportunity to access advanced technologies and participate in practical research and development projects. This will not only help students enhance their knowledge and skills but also allow them to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios, better preparing them for their future careers.

The RD-SEAI center promises to become one of the leading research and development centers in Vietnam. The center will focus not only on developing new technological solutions but also on training and improving students’ skills, fostering collaboration between businesses and educational institutions, and contributing to the growth of the software engineering and artificial intelligence sectors in Vietnam.

The signing ceremony between the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and IVS Corporation is a significant step in promoting the development of software engineering and artificial intelligence in Vietnam. The establishment of the RD-SEAI center not only opens up many opportunities for students and the tech community but also contributes to improving the quality of human resources.
